1L is studying bats this week! We have been working hard to apply important reading and writing strategies to this nonfiction unit.
We have learned that...
Nonfiction texts are about real life.
Readers "read to learn" about topics from nonfiction texts.
Nonfiction readers take a sneak peak even before they read a book or watch a video.
Readers ask questions!
Readers "stop and jot" down answers to questions they find on stickies or organizers.
Nonfiction readers learn more by chatting about a page with a friend
Nonfiction readers and writers are word collectors.
Fiction can help to teach us about nonfiction topics too!
Reference these videos at home for some important review of bat vocabulary. This can be a homework choice!
You may also visit Brainpop this week, search "bats" to find a really informative video!
Mrs. L